Minor Variations

Premises Licences – Minor Variations

A Minor Variations Application can be made if the variation is one which will not adversely affect the four licensing objectives:

Prevention of crime and disorder
Prevention of public nuisance
Promotion of public safety
Protection of children from harm

An Application for a Minor Variation is made to the local authority only.

The Fee is £89.

The Application must be advertised on white paper for ten working days starting on the working day after the minor variation application was given to the licensing authority.

The licensing officer will then consider whether the variation would impact adversely on the licensing objectives – decision to be made by licensing officers, not committee members.

The licensing officer must consult relevant responsible authorities if he/she has any doubt about the application.

Relevant representations can be made by interested parties from the day the notice is displayed on the premises.

The licensing officer must therefore wait until the 10 day period has elapsed before making a decision on the minor variation.

There is no requirement for a hearing to take place.

Decisions must be made by the licensing officer within 15 working days at the latest to confirm whether the application is either granted or refused.

If the licensing authority fail to respond to the Applicant within 15 days the Application is treated as refused and the fee must be returned to the applicant. It would be possible to start this process again if required.

If an Application is refused the full Variation application process must be commenced in the usual way.