Category Archives: Licensing Training

Licensing Objectives

Licensing Objectives

The four main principles of the Licensing Act 2003 are known as the “licensing objectives” and must be considered throughout the licensing process:

–        prevention of crime and disorder
–        promotion of public safety
–        prevention of public nuisance
–        protection of children from harm

Applications for Premises Licences, Personal Licences and Temporary Event Notices must be made with regard to these four objectives.

Prevention of crime and disorder – the main responsible authority involved with this licensing objective is the Police.  The Licensing Officer in the local Police area will consider all Applications made together with the Crime Prevention Officer to ascertain whether the granting of the Application would undermine the crime prevention objective.  Such matters could include (but are not limited to), a lack of security at a premises, lack of staff training, inadequate CCTV systems and even unsuitable premises.  Proper preparation of an Application is essential to ensure that Police do not object to any Application.  Police are available to advise Applicants prior to making Applications.
Promotion of public safety – all responsible authorities will have regard to this objective and not just limited to Police.  Environmental Health and the Fire Officer will also review operating schedules to ensure that public safety is paramount at all times.  A lack of promotion of public safety could include such matters as inadequate outside lighting, fire alarm, fire fighting equipment etc.  Again, the Fire Officer and other Council officials are available to give advice to Applicants, where necessary.
Prevention of public nuisance – the main responsible authority concerned with this objective is Environmental Health and potentially Building Control and/or Planning.  Nuisances can include noise, smells, light pollution as well as unsuitable premises.  It is particularly important that Applicants take advice from Environmental Health in relation to the prevention of noise nuisance at premises in dense residential areas.
Protection of children from harm – of all the licensing objectives this is the most topical having regard to the implications in society today of under-age sales of alcohol and the effects of excessive alcohol drinking on the young.  Such matters which must be considered are a suitable under age sale prevention policy and whether or not young persons will be admitted to premises and those potential situations where it might be necessary to exclude them.

Please contact us email, if you need any assistance with any of the matters referred to above